My Wish for You
World Castle Publishing
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locations, organizations, or person, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.
World Castle Publishing
Pensacola, Florida
Copyright © Destiny Webb 2013
ISBN: 9781938961854
First Edition World Castle Publishing March 1, 2013
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Cover: Karen Fuller
Photos: Shutterstock
Editor: Maxine Bringenberg
To my wonderful Mom, Judy
Without her never-ending love and support,
this journey would have been impossible.
Chapter One
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my honor and privilege to present to you the graduating class of two thousand twelve!”
The crowd in front of us cheered and screamed as my classmates and I threw our graduation caps up toward the sky. I glanced back at Brian, my twin brother who was a few rows behind me, and smiled, sharing the moment with him. Diploma in hand, I started to head in his direction when my principal stopped me.
“Miss Armstrong. I just wanted to congratulate you for your achievements. Your academic excellence has been greatly appreciated here.”
“Thank you Mr. Short.”
“I hear you intend to attend the University of Pacific.”
“I do.”
“Well congratulations.”
“Thank you. If you would just excuse me, I need to go find my family.”
“Oh, of course. Congratulations again, and good luck at college.”
I thanked him again and made my way through the crowd.
“Well, look who it is, Miss Smarty Pants, sitting all the way up front,” Brian said, coming up behind me.
“Oh hush,” I told him, trying to ignore my academic achievements.
“Your speech was really good,” he praised me.
“You sound surprised.”
“I’m always surprised when you’re smarter than I am,” he joked, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. We made our way to find our stepsister Sarah before going to look for our parents. Of course, even in the throng of people, we didn’t make it far before I was tackled by my best friend, Cara.
“Ohmigod! I can’t believe it’s all over! Can you?!”
Cara was very exuberant. She had been my best friend since the second grade, when she transferred in and everyone was put off by her eccentricities. I befriended her and we became inseparable. We’d practically grown up together.
“Are you guys going to the party tonight?” she asked us.
“Yeah, we are. Sarah’s coming along too,” I answered.
“Okay cool!” She gave us both another hug. “I’ll see you guys later!”
Thankfully, we made our way through the rest of the crowd with nothing more than a few people saying hi, or congrats, or asking if we would be at the party. Sarah found us before we found her, and we made our way over to our parents and my oldest brother, Mitch.
“Oh, my babies are all grown up!” my mom exclaimed, close to tears. “I’m so proud of you!”
“Thanks Mom,” we all said, almost in unison.
“I’m surprised my kid siblings made it through high school alive,” Mitch mocked us, hitting Brian and me in the shoulders playfully. Mitch went to college out of town; he’d made a trip home specifically for this occasion.
“Mitch, be nice,” my mom scolded him. “They were great. And honey, your speech was just beautiful.”
“Thanks Mom.”
My mom turned away from us to hug and congratulate Sarah. Charles, my stepfather, looked up from his phone to us.
“Congratulations,” he said dully. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes at him. Charles married my mother when Brian and I were five, but he was never much of a father figure to us, and lately, he was more concerned with his “work” than he was with anything related to his family.
“Thanks Dad,” we both replied apathetically.
“Okay! Picture time!” my mom called out enthusiastically. We all groaned at her and she hushed us.
“I have to take this phone call.” Charles excused himself, lifting the phone to his ear and walking away. Annoyance crossed my mom’s face for a fraction of a second before she turned back to us.
“Mitch, take a picture of me with the graduates, please.” She handed him the camera and we smiled, waiting for the flash.
We survived the ridiculous amount of picture taking and the dinner with our parents. Two hours later, we were sitting in Cara’s driveway waiting for her to come out.
“Honk again,” I told Sarah. After we honked three times, Cara came stumbling out of the house. Pausing at the top of the driveway, she waved at us and Sarah pressed down on the horn again until Cara got into the car.
“That was unnecessary,” she scolded, buckling her seatbelt.
“You taking forever was unnecessary,” Sarah retorted, pulling out of the driveway and making her way towards the house party.
When we pulled up, it was obvious that the party was just beginning. There weren’t very many cars and the music was barely audible from outside.
“There are more people showing up, aren’t there?” I asked Cara.
“Yeah, of course. It’s supposed to be, like, the party of the summer.”
“I hope so.”
We headed inside and discovered it was more crowded than we’d thought. The only sounds that could be heard were the chattering voices, a little too loud from the shots of vodka and cans of beer. People were everywhere. Many were drinking, but a lot were standing near the walls, just looking awkward. Neither of those was my goal for the night though. I just wanted to have fun.
We headed into the kitchen. Once we had our drinks in hand, we scoped out the scene. As I was looking around, I noticed that a lot of the party-goers were not two thousand twelve graduates. A lot of people were crashing this party.
“Cara, do you realize that there are sophomores at this party?”
“Really? Like who?”
“Like that one girl, the one who’s been all over Blake since football season. Rebecca something.”
“Rebecca Myers?”
“Yeah. And that must mean that Blake is somewhere around here too. Watch out for that mess.”
Blake was an ex of mine. He was a mistake that I chose not to think about. Ever.
“Speaking of party crashers, look who just walked through the door.”
Hearing the tone of disbelief in her voice, I glanced up in the direction Cara indicated and dropped my drink in shock.
“PARTY FOUL!” someone screamed from behind me. Cara looked down at the drink, then back up at me before remarking on the situation.
“Thank God those are tile floors.”
Sean Williams was the first person I ever liked, and in all honesty, the only person I had ever really liked. We had been childhood sweethearts. The summer before he went to high school, we were inseparable. During a torturous game of Truth or Dare, the beans got spilled that we both liked each other, and my brother sadistically dared us to k
iss each other.
Once Sean went to high school though, everything changed. It was like I hadn’t even existed. I hadn’t held a real conversation with him since I was a freshman, and hadn’t even seen him in almost a year. After he graduated, he went out of state to the University of Pacific. Never in a million years had I thought that he, of all people, would be crashing this party.
I stared at him standing in the doorway smiling at someone until he caught me. I looked away quickly and tugged on Cara’s arm.
“Cara come on, let’s go dance.”
“But no one’s dancing.”
As I walked over to the stereo system, everyone watched me like I was crazy. The music was turned down way too low though, so I ignored them and acted like I owned the place. After I turned up the stereo so it was blaring, I turned to Cara.
“They will be now.”
We went into the middle of the living room and started dancing. Everyone stared for a minute and then slowly, people started joining us. After that, the party was really in full swing. People were dancing, playing beer pong, and some were fooling around in corners and secluded areas. Cara and I were headed back toward the kitchen to get another drink when everything went quiet.
“Everyone remain calm! This party is over.”
Someone had called the cops. I swore and headed quickly towards the door, tugging Cara behind me. We were almost out of the house when a cop stopped us.
“You two…stop where you’re going.”
Cara and I stopped in our tracks. I looked back at Cara, who was still holding her drink in her hands. I glared at her, then down at the cup. Following my gaze, she realized her mistake.
“What’s the problem, officer?”
I watched in shock as Sean walked up to the officer.
“Sean? Sean Williams?”
“James? No way. When did you become a cop?”
“About a year ago.”
“You liking it?”
“Yeah, I guess. They put me on a lot of these menial busts.”
“Man, that must suck.”
“It does,” he agreed. “How’s college life?”
“Really good. I’m enjoying the change of pace.”
“That’s good. Are these friends of yours?”
“They are. Is there any way you think you can…?”
“Of course, although technically you shouldn’t be here either,” James laughed, turning to address us. “You girls understand that I am letting you off with a warning, and if you repeat the crime, I will be forced to take action?”
“Yes sir,” Cara and I said in unison.
“Good; you guys can get on home then. It was good seeing you, Sean.”
“You too, James. Tell your brother I said hi.”
And with that, we made our departure. I was still staring at Sean in shock.
“Thank you,” I said gratefully.
“You’re welcome. I was friends with his brother; he owed me a favor,” he said, answering my unspoken question. “You guys have a ride?”
“Yeah. Sarah’s driving,” I answered. I nodded towards where Sarah was standing talking to a few friends.
“Alright. I’ll see you around then.”
And with that, he retreated in the opposite direction. I glanced up at Cara, coming to an undeniable conclusion.
“Well, this is going to be an interesting summer.”
Chapter Two
“Samantha Renee Armstrong! If I have to call your name one more time, you’ll be grounded so long, it’ll make your head spin!”
“I’m coming,” I screamed down the hallway.
I walked out of my room and made my way down the hall. When I saw him, I stopped dead in my tracks. Sean was sitting in my brother’s room with Brian and Mitch. Why that took me by such surprise was beyond me…he and Brian were best friends. I still couldn’t believe that he had just come in and saved the day the previous night.
Sean was undoubtedly gorgeous, with shaggy, light brown hair and deep hazel eyes, and was taller than Brian’s six feet one inch. He looked troubled about something.
“Sam, Charles’s calling you,” Mitch said, interrupting my thoughts.
“I know. Do you know what he wants?” I paused and turned to Sean. “Hey Sean.”
“Nope, not a clue,” he lied as Sean nodded at me. Mitch was such a terrible liar.
“I guess I should go find out,” I sighed.
Thinking about Sean, I jogged down the stairs and saw Charles and Mr. W sitting on the couch, laughing.
“Hello, Samantha,” Mr. W greeted me.
“Hi, Mr. W. How are you?”
“I’m fine Sam. How about yourself?”
“I’m good. What’s going on?” I asked, turning to Charles.
“We’re going to be staying at the cabin for the next few weeks; Mr. W and his family are going to be joining us as well.”
“Okay. What does that have to do with me?”
“You’re going too, Sam.”
“What?! Why?!” I exclaimed.
“Because it’s been five years since you’ve gone.”
“And you know exactly why that is,” I bit off.
“Well, we’re going as a family this summer. It’s about time you suck it up.”
“And if I don’t want to?”
“You’re going to. End of discussion.”
“This isn’t fair,” I declared, close to tears.
“Life isn’t fair Samantha. Grow up.”
I groaned in frustration and left the living room, storming up the stairs as tears starting to form in my angry eyes. Barging into my room, I slammed the door shut as loud as I could and twisted the lock. How could he do this? He knew that I absolutely hated the lake and the stupid cabin where we stayed. I wanted nothing to do with it, or the woods, or anything involving our trips to Lake Tahoe! I plopped onto my bed. I didn’t think that there was going to be any way out of it.
I was lying on my bed pouting when I heard a soft knock on my door.
“Go away,” I snapped.
“It’s me,” said a voice that I rather wished I didn’t recognize.
“Come in,” I grumbled.
“It’s locked,” Sean said from behind the door.
“Oh!” I jumped up and headed toward the door.
As I bumped into something, my heart skipped a beat. I had the curtains—that my mother’s interior designer had picked out—drawn, so the room was dark and I couldn’t see. I stumbled into my desk and swore, but I finally got to my door and unlocked it.
“Hey,” Sean whispered.
“Hi,” I replied. Flicking on the light in my room, I noticed that he was holding my duffel bags.
“They sent me to come help you get your stuffed packed,” he quickly told me before I could get angry. He had always been good at calming me down without really doing anything. “I’m really sorry they’re making you go. It’s not fair to you. Look at the upside; you get to hang out with me for like, almost a month.” His grin was cocky.
“Yeah, I guess.” I paused and under my breath added, “I’ve missed you Sean.”
“What do you mean?”
I had had feelings for Sean since we were kids; he knew that. Everyone knew that.
I’d known Natasha since elementary school. She was a spoiled rotten brat. Whatever she wanted she got, and that was how she landed Sean. She started chasing him when he was a freshman. At first, he didn’t want anything to do with her. Then, as time progressed, he started liking the attention. Rumor had it that one night they were at a party, and she took him upstairs…well, the rest was history. A few days later, they were the hottest couple in school, and I was left in the dust.
“We never hang out anymore. Ever since you started going out with—”
“Don’t you dare start on her, Samantha! You don’t know anything about her,” he cut me off.
Rarely did anyone ever called me by my full name unless I was in big trouble. I had never seen him so angry in his life. He was
usually an easygoing person. His face went pale and he tightened his grip on the bags. It was the first time he had ever yelled at me. My face flushed and I looked down.
“You don’t have to help me,” I whispered. “Just leave my bags. I’ll do it myself.”
He had started calling me Sammy in elementary school. That seemed so long ago.
“I’m sorry, Sammy,” he whispered, breaking my concentration. “It’s just that it’s been a very long day. My parents were yelling at me about her earlier, and then Tasha and I got into an argument.”
“Whatever; just forget about it,” I replied. My heart was beating faster now. Did he just say that they got into a fight?
“No, I shouldn’t have taken it out on you. You’ve always been there for me. I’m sorry,” he apologized.
“It’s okay. I’m serious. Let’s just get my crap packed before we both get yelled at,” I said, laughing uneasily.
I knew it shouldn’t have, but knowing that he and Tasha had gotten into a fight put me in a better mood. So, we started packing up my stuff. I hadn’t realized how many things I would need; I hadn’t gone in forever. Halfway through packing my stuff, we decided that we needed to keep our energy up and go eat something.
“You have a lot of stuff, Sam,” Sean tried to say through a mouthful of pizza.
“I know. I’m not sure how it’s all going to fit in there.”
“Neither am I. We might as well try to get it to work,” he proposed.
“Alright, I guess,” I reluctantly agreed, getting up from my chair.
It took us another half hour to track down the rest of my things and finish packing. By the time we were done, I had to squish the bags to get the zippers closed. I glanced down at my phone and the time display read 7:45.
“Hey, what are you doing tonight?” Sean asked me.
“Nothing. Why?”
“I don’t know. Want to go to the movies or something?” he said.
I was stunned. Sean Williams, the boy I had been in love with forever, just asked me to the movies!
“I don’t mean like a date or anything. It’s just I don’t want to go home, and I’m not going to call Tasha.”